Saturday, March 23, 2013

Monocot Plant and Dikotil

I'll share a little about the differences in monocot plants and dikotil, type or characteristics and dikotil monocot plants, as well as examples of monocot plants and dikotil.

Monocots and dikotil

Monokotil dan Dikotil

Here are the differences in monocot plants and dikotil its characteristic features and examples of these plants.

Monocot or plant a single seed into pieces is one of two major groups of flowering plants whose seeds are not dividing. Dikotil or seeds or plants into pieces two members have the most seeds are easily cut in half. Monocots grouped into 5
1. Grasses (Graminae), eg rice, maize
2. Nut-proposal (Palmae), eg sago palm
3. Gingers (Zingiberaceae), eg ginger, turmeric
4. Banana-Pisangan (Musaceae), examples: plantain, banana
5. Orchid-anggrekan (Orchidaceae), for example: vanilla, orchid

Dikotil plants are grouped into five tribes, namely:
1. Distance-jarakan (Euphorbiaceae), eg distance, sweet
2. Cashew-jambuan (Myrtaceae), eg guava, guava
3. Eggplant-terongan (Solanaceae), for example: eggplant, tomatoes
4. Legumes (Leguminoceae), eg beans, bananas
5. Composite (Compositae), example: sunflower

Olandsky ^^

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